How to Start a Tea business – {Four Important Point}


When Starting a Wholesale Tea Business you need to take care about following things?

1. From which manufacturer or supplier you are going to buy.

2. Which tea blends are you preferring to sell in majority.

3. What is your target market- Cafe or Shops or consumers.

4. Next you have to take care about how you are going to sell it and at what margin.

For getting clarification you can call us at 9954226516 or 8178189494.

On our website we have mentioned all the types of Tea grade, brief description about tea grade, price range and transportation cost.

सीटीसी अथबा काले चाय का श्रेणी
We are  Assam  Tea  manufacturer,  Assam Tea wholesalers, Assam Loose Tea, Assam CTC Tea Distributors, Assam Tea  Suppliers, Assam Tea Manufacturers in Assam.

कई नए चाय व्यवसायी अक्सर प्राइमरी, सकेंडरी या आरपी चाय के बारे में भ्रमित हो जाते हैं। आसानि से समझने के लिए, हमने प्राइमरी, सेकेंडरी और आर पी चाय की व्याख्या करने का निर्णय लिया है। जब नए हरे पत्ते को संसाधित और वर्गीकृत किया जाता है, प्राइमरी चाय बन जाती है। प्राइमरी चाय हर चाय फेक्टरी की सर्वोत्तम चाय होता है।प्राइमरी चाय देखने मे उज्जल काला आर पीने में भी कड़क ओर सुगंधित होता है।

प्राइमरी का कोवलिटी ओर दाम भी सबके ऊपर रहता है। अगर हरीपत्ती कोमल ओर छोटा आकार की है तो उससे ज्यादा परिमाण या पूरा ही प्राइमरी चाय बनता है। लेकिन अगर उसमे बड़ा ओर कर्कश हरि पत्ति है तो सॉर्टिंग मशीन उसे प्राइमरी चाय से अलग कर देते है। उसी अलग चाय को सेकेंडरी कहते है। सेकेंडरी कम काला या भूरा रंग के होते है। ओ प्राईमरी की जैसा उज्जल नही होते। उसमे फाइबर भी थोड़ा ज्यादा होता हैं। उसका स्वाद भी कम कडक ओर कम फ्लेवर का होते है। प्राइमरी और सेकेंडरी के कुछ परिमाण चायमें अधिक फाइबर होता है या बड़ा बड़ा आकार का होता है। इस चाय को फिरसे मशीन में चलाना पड़ता है। उसमे कुछ नया हरि पट्टी भी मिलाया जाता है। जैसे इसको फ्रेश चाय के जैसा लगे। इसीको आर पी या रेप्रोसेसड चाय बलते है। सीटीसी मशीनों में यह फिर से काटा जाता है जैसे कि नई चाय बनाई जा रही है। जैसे ये रद्दी से बनाया जाता है ओर दो बार मसीन में चलाया जाता है, इसी लिए इसका कोवलिटी सबसे नीचे ओर दाम सबसे सस्था होता है। सॉर्टिंग मसीन से सब चाय को अलग अलग साइज में बिभाग या ग्रेडिंग किया जाता है। फिर साइज के हिसाब से उसका नाम दिया जाता है। अगले बार इस बिभाग का अलग अलग चाय का नाम का चर्चा करेंगे। आप को अच्छा लगा तो सस्क्रैब करिए। लाइक ओर शेयर करिए, जैसे के आपके दोस्तों को काम आए।

CTC or Black Tea Category
We are  Assam  Tea  manufacturer,  Assam Tea wholesalers, Assam Loose Tea, Assam CTC Tea Distributors, Assam Tea  Suppliers, Assam Tea Manufacturers in Assam.

Many new tea businessmen often get confused about Primary Tea, Secondary Tea or RP tea. To make it easy to understand, we have decided to explain primary, secondary and RP tea.

When new green leaves are processed and graded, primary tea is formed. Primary tea is the best tea of ​​every tea factory.  Primary tea look Shinny  black is also hard and flavored in drinking having better appearance,sweetness in taste with aroma and perfect liquor. The Primary Tea cost and the price also remains high. If the green leaf is soft and small, then it is made up of more quantity of primary tea. But if there is a bigger rustic Green leaf then the sorting machine separates it from primary tea. The same tea is called Secondary Tea. Secondary Tea are black or brown in color. Do not be as bright as a Primary Tea. There is also a little fiber in it. Secondary Tea is light fresh taste with light colour. Some quantities of primary and secondary tea have more fiber or larger size. This tea has to be run again in the machine. In it, a new green leafs are added. Like it looks like fresh tea. This makes RP or Reprocessed tea strong. It is cut into CTC machines as new tea is being made. As it is made from junk and twice run in the machine, that is why its coveted bottom is the most systematised. All the tea from the Sorting machine is divided into different sizes or grading. Then, according to size, it is given its name.

चाय व्यापार में कितना निवेश करें ।
Online Tea,  Suppliers -  Andhra Tea,  Arunachal Tea,  Bihar Tea,  Chhattisgarh Tea,  Delhi Tea,  Gujarat Tea, Goa Tea, Haryana Tea, Himachal Pradesh Tea, Jammu Kashmir Tea, Jharkhand Tea, Karnataka Tea, Kerala Tea, Maharashtra Tea, Madhya Pradesh Tea, Manipur Tea, Meghalaya Tea, Mizoram Tea, Nagaland Tea, Odisha Tea, Punjab Tea, Rajasthan Tea, Sikkim Tea, Tamil Tea, Tripura Tea, Uttarakhand Tea, Uttar Pradesh Tea, West Bengal Tea, आसाम चाय,  আসাম চা, ગુજરાતી,   SM

1.उसे चाय के व्यापार को शुरू करने के लिए कितना चाय चाहिए ?

2.उसे कितना निवेश करना है ?

3.अपने हाथ में कितना चाय रखाना चाहिए ?

यह हिसाब बहुत सरल है । एक कप चाय बनाने के लिए आपको ढाई ग्राम असम सीटीसी चाय की आवश्यकता होती है। एक दिन में एक भारतीय कम से कम 4 कप चाय लेता है। इसका अर्थ है कि दस ग्राम चायका ग्रैन्यूलस या पाउडर है। यदि आपका शहर या आपके लक्षित बाजार में दस लाख आबादी हो, तो सिर्फ दस ग्राम गुणा दस लाख समान एक हज़ार किलोग्राम । यह दैनिक उपभोग है। मासिक नहीं, याद रखें। दूसरी चीज याद रखना कि आप ही केवल अपने शहर में चाय व्यवसाय शुरू नहीं कर रहे हैं। पहले से ही बड़े और छोटे विक्रेता चाय बेच रहे हैं और लाभ कमा रहे हैं। अब आप तय करें, आप कितना दुकान और मकान में बिक्री करेंगे। मान लीजिए आप पहले महीने में दो प्रतिशत बाजार को कवर करेंगे, दूसरे महीने में चार प्रतिशत, तीसरे महीने में पंज प्रतिशत और इसी तरह इसे बढ़ाएं। इसका मतलब है, आपके पहले महीने में, आप दो सौ किलो दैनिक और छह हज़ार किलो मासिक बेचेंगे। हमने रविवार को भी शामिल किया है। क्योंकि हम सभी रविवार को चाय पीते हैं, यहां तक ​​कि अधिक कप चाय पीते हैं । अब अपने हाथ में अपने स्टॉक के बारे में सोचो। न्यूनतम मात्रा कितना रखने की आवश्यकता है। चाय ब्रांड कुछ हद तक सिगरेट ब्रांड की तरह हैं । लेकिन सिगरेट जैसी हानिकारक नहीं हैं। यदि आप विल्स पीते हैं। तो आप प्रत्येक समय विल्स खरीद लेंगे। जब तक यह आपके इलाके में उपलब्ध है। जब यह आपके क्षेत्र में उपलब्ध नहीं है। पसंदीदा ज़हर के लिए शायद एक या दो दिन हो सकता है आप अन्य क्षेत्र में खोज करने के लिए जाएंगे। लेकिन यदि यह सुविधा आसानी से उपलब्ध नहीं है, तो आप जल्द ही एक और आसानी से उपलब्ध ब्रांड चुन सकते हैं। आपके चाय खरीदार लगभग इसी तरह व्यवहार करते हैं । अगर वे आपकी चाय पसंद करते हैं, तो वे आसानी से उपलब्ध होने तक इसे ले जाएंगे। जिस दिन यह आसानी से उपलब्ध नहीं है। वे आपकी चाय आने के लिए इंतजार नहीं करेगा। लेकिन अगले आसानी से उपलब्ध ब्रांड खरीदी लेंगे। इसलिए दुकान की स्टॉक खत्म होने से पहले दुकानों को फिर से भरने के लिए आपके पास पर्याप्त स्टॉक होना चाहिए। तीसरा निर्णय पर आपको यह विचार करने की आवश्यकता है कि आपके आपूर्तिकर्ताओं से चाय प्राप्त करने के लिए कितना समय लगता है। यदि यह दो सप्ताह है, तो आपको कम से कम 2 सप्ताह का स्टॉक होना चाहिए या ज्यादा। इन निवेशों के अलावा, आपको अपने कार्यालय के व्यय और आपके बिक्री कर्मियों के खर्चों के बारे में फैसला करना होगा। ये विभिन्न जगह पर बहुत व्यापक रूप से भिन्न होते हैं। यह आप तय कर सकते हैं ।

How much do you invest in tea business?
Online Tea,  Suppliers -  Andhra Tea,  Arunachal Tea,  Bihar Tea,  Chhattisgarh Tea,  Delhi Tea,  Gujarat Tea, Goa Tea, Haryana Tea, Himachal Pradesh Tea, Jammu Kashmir Tea, Jharkhand Tea, Karnataka Tea, Kerala Tea, Maharashtra Tea, Madhya Pradesh Tea, Manipur Tea, Meghalaya Tea, Mizoram Tea, Nagaland Tea, Odisha Tea, Punjab Tea, Rajasthan Tea, Sikkim Tea, Tamil Tea, Tripura Tea, Uttarakhand Tea, Uttar Pradesh Tea, West Bengal Tea, आसाम चाय,  আসাম চা, ગુજરાતી,   SM

Scientifically , How much we can invest in a tea business. Tea business is easier than other businesses. You can start it with small or large capital. A new tea businessman has to decide that

1. How much tea should he want to start his tea business?

2. How much does he have to invest?

3. How much tea should be kept in your hand?

This account is very simple. To make a cup of tea you need 2.5 gm Assam CTC tea. In one day an Indian consumes at least 4 cups of tea. This means that ten grams of tea is granulus or powder. If there are ten million people in your city or your target market then only ten grams multiplied by one million is equal to one thousand kilograms. This is daily consumption. Remember, not monthly.

The second thing to remember is that you are not just starting a tea business in your city. Already big and small sellers are selling tea and earning profit. Now you decide, how much you store and sell . Suppose you will cover two percent of the market in the first month, four percent in the second month, one percent in the third month and so on. This means, in your first month, you will sell two hundred kilogram daily and six thousand kilogram monthly. We have also included on Sunday. Because we all drink tea on Sunday, even drink more cup tea.

Now think about your stock in your hand. Need to keep the minimum amount. Tea brands are somewhat like a cigarette brand. But tea is not harmful. If you drink Wills So you will buy Wills every time. Unless it is available in your area. When it is not available in your area. May be for a favorite poison one or two days you will go to search in other area. But if this feature is not easily available, then you can choose one more easily available brand soon. Your tea shoppers behave in a similar manner. If they like your tea, they will take it until they are easily available. On the day it is not easily available. They will not wait for your tea to come. But the next easily available brand will buy. Therefore, before the store's stock is over, you have enough stock to replenish the stores.

On the third decision you need to consider how much time your suppliers take to get tea. If it is two weeks, then you should have a stock of at least 2 weeks or more. Apart from these investments, you have to decide about the expenses of your office and the expenses of your sales personnel. They are very different in different places. You can decide this.

How to identify tea !
Assam Tea - Assam Chai Latest Price, Manufacturers & Suppliers

If you are a new to tea businessman and  wanted  to become a tea businessman, then you should be aware of the quality of tea. So that when you buy tea, you can identify good tea, better tea, average tea and especially low quality tea.


The best way to understand quality is to tea testing. But when you go to the wholesale market to buy tea, generally you will not get tea test facilities in their shops. So here you can use alternate methods of tea testing. These techniques are very useful. All retail tea buyers use all these techniques to pick up their tea from supplier. Good tea aroma itself says everything.

Lets Discuss the Process to identify the Best Tea.

  1. Sweet aroma – Good tea has a different aroma, which is sweet and very beautiful. The aroma itself compels itself to appreciate it. Good quality tea aroma is unique. You will not find such fragrance in anything else in this world. Tea is always unique. When fragrance better, quality better yourself . When you get a different smell of tea, for example, like green leaves or vegetables or smells like non-tea items, then this quality of tea is not correct. Then either it was deliberately or unconsciously mixed with less dry or some other things.
  2. Appearance – The color of tea should be black or brown in color but not too dark. Very black tea is made artificially. Brown color means tea is made from this secondary tea or big old leaves. Then it’s of low quality. But remember, secondary tea is less in quality compared to primary tea, but this does not mean that its quality is low. If secondary tea is sorted from a good quality primary tea product, then this secondary tea will also be of very good quality. Teas made from old leaves are fibers emitted in the granule. Because the cutting machine cannot cut or turn it properly. A good quality tea will show a glow or blossom on the grain. On the other hand, secondary tea will be inaccessible and without glow.
  3. Harvesting – The grain of tea should be fully rounded. It should not have any type of fiber or fiber. If it looks like flattened or looks like a flaky, then it is not of good quality. It will appear spherical when the raw leaf is of soft and small size. And this leaf has been properly scratched and the cutting machine has been cut, twisted and curled correctly.
  4. Weight – This is an effective and immediate test to test the quality of tea. Just take some tea in your hand and then take other tea in the other hand like the same quantity. Now compare the weight. Despite almost the same amount and size, a hand of tea is overweight, then that tea is of superior quality. Enjoy finding the right tea at the right price. We want you to be successful in your tea business.

We, Kirti Tea provides tea testing facilities to our Customer. We request each customer to take appointment before visiting our office.

Starting Tea Business

Tea business is easy, popular and you can start it any where.
Tea is popular all over India, you can start selling tea at main market or at a bye lane. you will get customer everywhere.

Here are basic steps to start a tea business.

If you have decided to start your business alone then take trade licence in your name or in the name of your establishment from Municipal Authority.

For partnership business, you require to submit Partnership deed for getting trade license or making bank account.

You will require to submit address proof, id proof, photo etc along with the trade license application form and a small fee.

Generally, Municipal Authority will issue the trade license happily within 7 days.

Next, you require to make State Sales tax registration, Central Sales Tax registration and a Current account.

State sale tax registration is for doing business within your State and Central Sale Tax Registration is for doing business all over India.

Since tea is a very popular drinks and suppliers/growers are situated in 2 and half corners of India, I suggest register for Central Tax also. Who knows, may be you will buy tea from Kangra Valley and sell in Assam.

Sale tax registration usually takes seven to ten days. They also charge a fee of around Rs 10000 depending on your expected turnover.
Now a days government becomes happy, when you start a business.
Opening a Bank account will take 2 days. So within 15 days of applying for trade license, you are ready to start your tea business. Now utilise this 15 days to make further plans and enquiries.
Plan no 1- what type of tea you want to sell?
CTC, Orthodox, Green Tea, Handmade Tea or keep all the products and also concoction like Masala Tea, Bamboo Tea, Herbal Tea ?
Plan no 2- Where from you are going to buy your tea?
As usual, it is better to buy the product from source. So find out a supplier who produces tea like
Plan no 3- Tea price starts from Rs 70 to may be more than Rs 7000/- What is your preference?
If you are in a big city you can try to sell all qualities and all price ranges. But in a small city, low to medium range will be more popular than high end tea.
Plan no 4- Loose tea or Packet Tea ? 
You can buy tea in bulk and make 500 gram, 1 kg pack in transparent polypack and sell it. If it is without any label, it will attract any additional tax. This will maintain and enhance its aroma, shelf life and finally once your shop becomes popular, you introduce your own brand.
When you have taken all these decisions, you are fully prepared to launch tea business. Be sure, after a year, you will relish the decision of starting tea business.